Patti Yasutake

Series: TNG
Movies: Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact
Character(s): Nurse Alyssa Ogawa
Patti Yasutake played the character of Nurse Alyssa Ogawa in sixteen episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and in the two Star Trek films Star Trek Generations and Star Trek: First Contact.
Nurse Alyssa Ogawa was a Starfleet officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D, and later, the USS Enterprise-E. She was one of the head nurses in the ship’s sickbay, assigned there in 2367 as an ensign. (TNG: “Future Imperfect”, “Clues”, “Identity Crisis”, “The Host”) Upon recommendation of Dr. Beverly Crusher, she was promoted to lieutenant junior grade in 2370. (TNG: “Lower Decks”) Ogawa became a senior sickbay staff member, and would make reports to the senior staff in Crusher’s absence.
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